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2023-09-29 16:44:41 ,,,,,,,,

This year, we spent the New Year in Xiamen. This is my first New Year in a foreign country. Xiamen is very warm, so I wore a thin sweater on New Years Day instead of wearing a thick down jacket as before.
Unlike Xi an, Xiamen does not set off firecrackers. So the New Years Eve night is very quiet. You dont have to worry about being blown up by firecrackers when you walk on the road. When you get up in the morning, you dont see a lot of rubbish after letting off fireworks. I think this is very good, because I dont have to worry about being disturbed by firecrackers.
In the past, I spent Chinese New Year with my grandpa, mom and dad, brother, sister, uncle and aunt. This year, only my mom and dad, grandpa, but my brother and family are with us. On New Years Day, we went to Nanputuo Temple. Hum-hums brother and I went to worship the patron saint and asked him to protect us. That day, there were many people in the temple, and even the sea was bigger than the sea. I held my mothers hand tightly.


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